Sending Samples

Sample Collection and Shipping Instructions

*Testing will be delayed or not performed if there is missing information or samples are not prepared/shipped accordingly*

Sample Preparation & Requisition Completion

*Samples must be individually bagged for each patient.

* Any samples sent for Cytokine and Complement testing must be frozen.

  • CSF (0.3 – 1.0 mL): Send in sterile tube.
    • CSF samples must be refrigerated unti shipping, and then shipped with ice packs.
  • Serum (0.5 – 1.0 mL): Draw blood and collect in a Gold or Red BD Vacutainer® tube for serum collection. Allow blood to clot at room temperature (may require 30 min or more). After clotting, centrifuge at 1000 x g for 10 min at 4°C. Aliquot serum immediately while avoiding red blood cells / blood clot.
    • Serum samples must be refrigerated until shipping, and then shipped with ice packs.
  • Plasma (for Cytokine, Complement, and other Immune Biomarkers: 0.3-1.0 mL, all other tests 0.5 – 1.0 mL): Draw blood and collect in a Lavender / Purple BD Vacutainer® tube for plasma (EDTA) collection. Gently invert the tube to mix, then centrifuge at 1000 x g for 10 min at 4°C. Aliquot plasma immediately while avoiding red blood cells.
    • For Cytokine and Complement testing: within 30 minutes from collection, centrifuge at 1000 x g for 10 minutes at 4°C. Freeze the sample (≤ -20° C) and ship on dry ice.
    • Note: ACD plasma can be tested, although serum is preferred.
  • Please make sure all tube caps or closures are tight and will not leak; we highly recommend that non-screw cap closures be secured with Parafilm to prevent leaks.
  • Samples must be accompanied by a MitogenDx requisition which must be completed in full.


* Shipments received outside MitogenDx business hours could cause delays in process and samples may be compromised.

* If problems arise or your package is not delivered promptly please contact your shipping company.

PART 1: Packing Samples for Shipping

  1. Place individually-bagged prepared samples in a small box/boxes. Refer to our Sample Preparation Guide for instructions on how to prepare samples for analysis prior to shipping.
  2. Place two absorbent paper towels (or more if needed) around the sample box(es). Secure with an elastic band.
  3. Place the sample box(es) inside a large plastic bag. Remove air from the plastic bag and secure closed.

PART 2: Preparing the Shipping Container

  1. Place prepared packaged sample box(es) in a larger Styrofoam® box
  2. For samples that are to be shipped frozen (see requisition), add dry ice as follows:
    • If shipping from within Canada: 5-7 kg (10-15 lbs)
    • If shipping from the USA: 6-7 kg (12-15 lbs)
    • If shipping international/overseas: 15 kg (33 lbs)
  3. Place lid on Styrofoam® box (do not secure the Styrofoam® lid with tape.)
  4. Place Styrofoam® box inside a cardboard shipping container
  5. Place the following documents inside the cardboard shipping container/outside pouch on top of the Styrofoam® lid:
    • MitogenDx requisition
    • Packing slip with order number and other relevant client details for identification
    • A detailed sample list
  6. Affix the following labels to the outside of the box:
    • For frozen samples and if applicable: Dry Ice Label UN1845
    • Address Label
    • For non-infectious samples: Exempt Animal Specimen Label OR Exempt Human Specimen Label
    • For infectious samples and if applicable: UN3373 Label
    • A clear plastic shipping envelope
  7. Fold and insert the following documents in the clear plastic shipping envelope attached to the outside of the box. See Part 3 “Forms and Documents” below for additional information regarding the following:
    • Waybill (minus the top copy which you will keep for your records)
    • 3 copies of the Commercial Invoice (when using)
    • 3 copies of the Declaration of Biological Shipments (when using)
    • Destination Control Statement (USA)
  8. Tape the shipping container closed with packing tape. Tape the bottom flaps of the shipping container if needed.

PART 3: Forms and Documents

It is crucial to consult with the appropriate regulatory authorities and comply with any applicable export control laws and regulations when shipping biological samples internationally.

Waybill Guidelines: CANADA

This Waybill section is specific for shipping with FedEx using FedEx’s Intra-Canada Waybill.  If you are not shipping with FedEx, consult the shipping company for more information.

Section 1: From

  • fill in the shipping date
  • fill in your FedEx account number
  • fill in all remaining lines detailing all relevant information pertaining to you

Section 2: To

  • fill in with Mitogen Diagnostic’s name, address, phone number, and email address (Shipping & Receiving, Mitogen Diagnostics, 3415C – 3 Ave N.W. Calgary, AB Canada T2N 0M4, 403-800-8851,

Section 3: Shipment Information

  • fill in the total number of packages (usually “1”)
  • fill in the total weight, check the “lbs.” or “kg” box depending on the units of measurement you are using
  • fill in the dimensions (in inches), check the “in” box
  • on the Total Declared Value line, fill in “$1.00”

Section 4a: Express Package Service

  • check the “FedEx Priority Overnight” box

Section 5: Packaging

  • check the “other” box and write “cardboard box with Styrofoam® insert”

Section 6: Special Handling and Delivery Signature Options

  • If applicable, check the “Dry Ice” box and  fill in the number of packages (usually “1”) and the dry ice weight
  • for non-infectious samples, check the “Yes, Shipper’s Declaration not required” box
  • for infectious samples, check the “Yes, as per attached Shipper’s Declaration” box
  • check the “Description” box and state the species and sample type and include the phrase ‘non-infectious, no commercial value’

Section 7: Payment

  • check the “Sender” box to indicate transportation charges are to be paid by the sender
  • fill in your account number. Any shipping charges incurred by Mitogen will be added to your invoice.

Retain the top copy of the waybill for your records. Note the FedEx tracking number located above section 5 so that you are able to track your package during transit.


This Waybill section is specific for shipping with FedEx using FedEx’s Expanded Service International Waybill. If you are not shipping with FedEx, consult the shipping company for more information.

Section 1: From

  • fill in the shipping date
  • fill in your FedEx account number
  • fill in all remaining lines detailing all relevant information pertaining to you

Section 2: To

  • fill in with Mitogen Diagnostic’s name, address, phone number, and email address (Shipping & Receiving, Mitogen Diagnostics, 3415C – 3 Ave N.W. Calgary, AB Canada T2N 0M4, 403-800-8851,

Section 3: Shipment Information

  • fill in the total number of packages (usually “1”)
  • fill in the total weight, check the “lbs.” or “kg” box depending on the units of measurement you are using
  • fill in the dimensions (in inches), check the “in” box
  • under Commodity Description, for non-infectious samples, state the species and sample type, non-infectious, no commercial value (example: Human serum, non-infectious, no commercial value).
  • under Commodity Description, for infectious samples, state the species and sample type, infectious, no commercial value (example: Human serum, infectious, no commercial value).
  • fill in the Country of Manufacture (most often “USA”)
  • fill in the Value for Customs, Total Declared Value for Carriage, and Total Declared Value for Customs as “$1.00”

Section 4a: Express Package Service

  • check the “FedEx Intl. Priority” box

Section 5: Packaging

  • check the “other” box and write “cardboard box with Styrofoam® insert”

Section 6a: Special Handling and Delivery Signature Options

  • If applicable, check the “Dry Ice” box and fill in the number of packages (usually “1”) and the dry ice weight in kg
  • for non-infectious samples, check the “Yes, Shipper’s Declaration not required” box
  • for infectious samples, check the “Yes, As per attached Shipper’s Declaration” box

Section 7: Payment

  • check the “Sender” box to indicate transportation charges are to be paid by the sender
  • fill in your account number
  • under “Bill Customs charges to:” check the “Recipient” box to indicate Mitogen Diagnostics as your importer who will pay for duties and taxes. Enter our courier account number (please request). If duties/taxes are incurred, they will be added to your invoice. International Shipments will be charged a $25 biological sample import/permit fee from Customs. This charge will initially be covered by Mitogen Diagnostics then added to your order as a “brokerage” fee.

Retain the top copy of the waybill for your records. Note the FedEx tracking number located above section 4a so that you are able to track your package during transit.

Commercial Invoice

International Shipments to and from Canada require 3 copies of a Commercial Invoice placed in the outer shipping pouch behind the Waybill (one signed original and two copies). A commercial invoice is the official transaction record between an exporter and an importer. In the case of sending biological samples to Mitogen Diagnostics for testing, your samples have no commercial value. However, since Customs does not consider $0.00 to be a value field, enter $1.00. We recommend using the Canada Customs Invoice or the FedEx Commercial Invoice.

  • Under the description of the item(s) be as detailed as possible. You MUST write the species and sample format of your samples. You may include the phrase “Non infectious. No commercial value”. Enter $1.00 in any reference to the declared value. An example of an item description would read “Exempt Human Serum Samples for academic testing. Non-infectious, No Commercial Value”. If you are typing this description, ensure that it fits in the provided area and does not get cut-off.
  • DO NOT reference the price you are paying for the assay service on ANY documents. This will make Customs think that you are shipping an item that we are paying for, and will therefore erroneously charge duty and taxes.

Declaration of Biological Shipments

  • A Declaration of Biological Shipments may also be required when shipping. It is recommended to include this document as it describes the package contents in detail and whether the material is infectious or not. Refer to our “Shipping Checklist and Forms” document for a copy of a Declaration of Biological Shipments form.

Destination Control Statement (USA)

  • Shipments exported out of the United States require a Destination Control Statement. It should be included with the commercial invoice, waybill and any export control documents that accompany a shipment to its destination. Refer to our “Shipping Checklist and Forms” document.

PART 4: Ship Samples

  1. Contact your preferred courier and proceed with shipment of samples.
    • If shipping frozen samples from outside of North America, consider using World Courier, BioCare, or other couriers who top-up with dry ice during package transit.
  2.  Monitor your package via the tracking number provided by your courier. You will receive an automated email confirmation from Mitogen upon receipt of samples. We will contact you directly if we have concerns upon sample receipt.

*Note: International Shipments will be charged a $25 biological sample import/permit fee from Customs.  This charge will initially be covered by Mitogen and added to your invoice as “Brokerage”

envelope image

Send Samples
And Requisition
Form To

Mitogen Diagnostics

3415C 3rd Ave NW
Calgary, AB
T2N 0M4

to order MitogenDx Test. Blood test.

Additional Information

*Accurate and complete MitogenDx requisitions ensure that samples can be processed in a timely manner. Submission of incomplete / non-MitogenDx requisitions will result in processing delays which MitogenDx cannot be accountable for. Fees may be applied.*

Results typically follow 5-10 business days after receipt of sample (dependent on the test(s) requested). Specific test turnaround times are listed on the corresponding webpages of any given test.

Turnaround time begins when the sample is registered in the system and NOT when it arrives at the lab.

All clinical results will be faxed directly to referral labs and cannot be provided to physicians or patients. Direct-to-customer results will be sent to the customer.

If you are a referring laboratory and have not received a report after the indicated turnaround time, other reflex tests may have been indicated. Please contact us by email at